RNFaces Skin Classic

The skin can develop a wide variety of tiny growths and blemishes. While most of these are completely painless and physically harmless, they can do significant damage to your overall appearance. This damage, in turn, affects your confidence and your sense of self.

Luckily, the vast majority of these blemishes can be treated and completely removed. At Not Just Faces Medical Aesthetics, our team uses Skin Classic, a special non-invasive, laser free treatment that is quick and highly effective.

Uses for Skin Classic Treatment

The RN Faces Skin Classic machine, a machine renown throughout the medical aesthetics industry, uses special high-frequency technology to treat a wide range of minor skin irregularities, including:

Skin tags, milia cysts, fibromas and sebaceous hyperplasia
Sunspots, cherry angiomas, and other pigmentation irregularities
Broken capillaries and telangiectasia
Acne cysts, pimples, blackheads and chronically clogged pores

The process works by dehydrating the skin at the specific location of the skin irregularity, thereby killing the affected skin. Following that precision application, the skin irregularities fall off, and the skin grows in a new layer of fresh, unblemished skin. The patient is left with new skin that is free of the blemish and looks and feels exactly like new, youthful skin.

The Skin Classic Process

The Skin Classic process begins with an intensive consultation in which our team of friendly professionals discuss your goals and examine the skin blemishes in question. During the session itself, the patch of skin in question will be sterilized, and then the Skin Classic microneedle is applied to the area. A high-frequency current effectively cauterizes the blemish, creating a scab that will fall off in a matter of a few days.

The vast majority of blemishes require only one treatment session, although particularly extensive lesions may require two. The Skin Classic process permanently removes the offending irregularity, allowing the client to return to their normal life, blemish free.

Let our team help free you of tags, cysts, acne and other trouble spots. Contact our offices right away and schedule your Skin Classic consultation today.


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