IPL Laguna Niguel

Photofacial treatment with broadband light

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

IPL refers to Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), which is recognized as a “photofacial” treatment that delivers broadband light to accomplish skin rejuvenation. It allows patients to recover youthful looking skin, which is intended for aged or sun-damaged skin. The treatment can also work in decreasing the appearance of facial redness, pigmentation, and pore size. It also improves skin texture and fine lines.

IPL works by delivering high-intensity pulses of high broadbrand, non-ablative light. This does not cause damage to the surface of the skin and the intense light is applied to the deeper layers of skin (dermis) and leaves out the superficial aspect.


Palomar ICON 1540 Fractional

Intense Pulsed LightTherapy Before After

The advantages of IPL consists of the following:

  • Removes red facial veins & flushing
  • Improves acne rosacea
  • Treats irregular pigmentation
  • Improves dark sun spots and fine facial lines
  • Increases skin tightening and lifting

Patients that are suitable candidates for IPL are those with rosacea, red-flushed faces, facial blood vessels and capillaries, sun-damaged skin, pigmented facial spots, and enlarged pores. The areas that can be treated include the face, neck, and hands. Patients receive a series of 3-4 IPL treatments which are administered every 3-4 weeks. However, to obtain complete regarding your specific case, it is recommended to call Not Just Faces and schedule a consultation.

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